Male Pelvic Floor Dysfunction


Male Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Men have a pelvic floor too! Men can suffer from bowel, bladder and sexual dysfunction as well as pelvic pain.  Pelvic floor dysfunction in men is treated via manual therapy, muscular awareness training and reeducation, lifestyle and stress management, behavioral modifications, therapeutic exercises and biofeedback training.  Restoring muscle tone balance and learning how to connect to and control the pelvic floor muscles as well as balance the pressures within the abdominal cavity are vital for the optimal functioning of the pelvic floor and resolution of pain.  We also offer a special program for prostate cancer management with consults both pre and post prostatectomy surgery (or non-surgical) treatment to help minimize dysfunction and maximize outcomes.   

Services Offered/Conditions Treated: 

·      Urinary urgency/frequency/leakage/pain

·      Bowel urgency/frequency/leakage/pain 

·      Chronic constipation 

·      Erectile dysfunction 

·      Painful ejaculation 

·      Coccydynia

·      Proctalgia Fugax

·      Anismus

·      Pelvic pain

·      Pudendal neuralgia 

·      Pre and Post Prostatectomy management 

o   Pre-treatment evaluation, assessment and education

o Post-treatment evaluation, assessment, management 

If you'd like to book a call to learn more about how PT can help you, email Liz at